Na 6. Majevem Memorialu – Halloween Nose 4 Fun, sva se v nedeljo, 27.10. udeležili zabavne preizkušnje, kjer je Ava tekmovala v kategoriji “trick” (iskanje klinčkov). Na dveh deloviščih si je pod budnim očesom sodnice Anje Perčič suvereno priborila 1. mesto in dokazala svoj izjemen voh!
At the 6th Maj’s Memorial – Halloween Nose 4 Fun event, on Sunday, October 27th, Ava and I participated in a fun challenge where Ava competed in the ‘trick’ category (searching for cloves). Under the watchful eye of judge Anja Perčič, she confidently secured 1st place at two workstations, proving her exceptional sense of smell!
27.10.2024 | Mirantibus Ava “Ava” in vodnica Irena Bernat | nose4fun
judge: Anja Perčič (SI) | 1. place trick