Okoli 14.2.2025 pričakujemo leglo črnih mladičkov gladkodlakih prinašalcev. / We expect black flatcoated retriever puppies around 14th February 2025.

Za mladičke je čakalna vrsta. Če se zanimate za našega mladička, nam pišite ali nas pokličite / There is waiting list for the puppies. If you are interested in our puppy, please write or call us: Neva Faninger, +386 40 715 002

Mladički bodo v nove domove odšli dobro socializirani, s pisno kupoprodajno pogodbo, rodovnikom, cepljeni, veterinarsko pregledani in čipirani. V starosti 7 tednov bo opravljen test značaja Kluba za delo prinašalcev, novim lastnikom pa pripada tudi brezplačno enoletno članstvo v Klubu.

Puppies will go to new homes well socialized, with signed sales contract, pedigree, vaccinated, health tested and microchipped. At the age of 7 weeks puppy test will be preformed by the Slovenian Working Retriever Club. New owners are entitled to one year free membership in the Club.


Dutch D’Votion Quest Quality »Thor«

Po besedah njegovih lastnikov, izkušenih flatoljubcev, je Thor najboljši in najbolj ljubezniv pes na svetu. Zanj bo to prvo leglo. Star je 3 leta in nadvse dobrodušen ter cartljiv. Po velikosti je na spodnji meji standarda, temnih, iskrivih oči s klasično glavo, močnim vratom, pravilno zgornjo in spodnjo linijo, funkcionalno okotenimi prednjimi in zadnjimi okončinami, globokim prsnim košem, izrazitim predprsjem ter bogato odlakanostjo na prsih, tacah in repu, ki še poudari njegove kvalitete.

Thor je prikupen in prijateljski do vseh ljudi in živali. Je umirjenega, stabilnega značaja in zelo pameten. Ima izrazito željo ustreči vodniku in veliko zagnanost za delo. Tekmovanj se ne udeležuje, je pa izšolan in v upoabi za lovsko delo.

Thor ima izvrstne zdravstvene izvide, prav tako njegovi predniki. Izhaja iz angleških delovno preizkušenih linij, vzrejen pa je bil na Nizozemskem, v psarni Dutch D’Votion, kjer že četrt stoletja vzrejajo gladkodlake prinašalce za delo, razstave in hišne ljubljenčke. Thorov oče Feltis von Rethwischhöh je bil odličen deloven in razstaven pes. Dočakal je častitljivo starost skoraj 14 let. Tudi Thorova mati Dutch D’Votion Keep My Kisses je odlična delovna in razstavna psica z dolgoživimi predniki. Njen oče je živel 13,5 let, mati je pri 13-ih še vedno živa. V Thorovem rodovniku je veliko slovitih imen, med drugim dvojna prvakinja v delu in lepoti FTCH CH Aughnaleck Dutch D’Votion, pa zmagovalci lovskih preizkušenj (FTW) Jet of Staverton, Dark Devotion Oban’s Obsession, Beck Of Chelborough ter številni prejemniki nagrad (FTA) in razstavni prvaki.

Več o Thoru: https://www.dutch-d-votion.com/thor-quest-quality

According to his owners, experienced flat lovers, Thor is the best and sweetest dog in the world. This will be his first litter. He is 3 years old and extremely good-natured and playful. In terms of size, he is on the lower limit of the standard, with dark, sparkling eyes, classic head, strong neck, correct top and bottom line, functionally structured forequarters and hindquarters, deep chest, pronounced forechest and rich flags on chest, paws and tail, which emphasize his qualities.

Thor is charming and friendly to all people and animals. He has a calm, stable character and is very smart. He has a distinct will to please and great drive for work. He does not participate in competitions, but he is trained and used for hunting.

Thor has an excellent health records, just like his ancestors. He comes from English work-proven lines, and was bred in the Netherlands, in the Dutch D’Votion kennel, where they have been breeding flat-coated retrievers for work, shows and pets for a quarter of a century. Thor’s father Feltis von Rethwischhöh was an excellent working and show dog. He lived to the venerable age of almost 14 years. Thor’s dam Dutch D’Votion Keep My Kisses is also an excellent working and show bitch with long-lived ancestors. Her father lived 13.5 years, her mother is still alive at 13. Thor’s pedigree includes many famous names, including dual champion Aughnaleck Dutch D’Votion, Field Trial Winners (FTW) Jet of Staverton, Dark Devotion Oban’s Obsession, Beck Of Chelborough and multiple Field Trial Award winners (FTA) and show champions.

More about Thor: https://www.dutch-d-votion.com/thor-quest-quality


Kaira Duchess of Beauty »Čarna«

To bo Čarnino prvo leglo. Stara je 4 leta, izrazito bistra, hitra, živahna in prilagodljiva psička, srednje velikosti, temnih oči, prijaznega izraza in ljubečega značaja. Krasi jo tipična, skladna zgradba, z izrazito prsnico, dolgim in globokim prsnim košem, močnim vratom in trpežnimi šapami. Njenih krempljev ni treba prirezovati, ker se obrabijo sami. Ima odlično vzmetenje in te lahko na sprehodu mimogrede skokoma pogleda iz oči v oči ter spotoma z nevidno hitrostjo pritisne še poljubček na uho.

Je motivirana in ambiciozna psička. Če je treba delat ali se poigrat, se nemudoma spremeni v odzivno, poskočno in hudomušno kosmatinko z nagajivimi iskricami v očeh. Za delo je zelo nadarjena in se tega tudi zaveda. Pri delu je hitra, samostojna, pogumna, z odličnimi iskalnimi sposobnostmi in mehkim prijemom. Prinašanje trenira v Klubu za delo prinašalcev in tekmuje na delovnih testih (WT), kjer je enkrat že posegla po stopničkah in sicer je osvojila tretje mesto v razredu E na WT-ju za Zlato raco 2023 v Ospu. Čarna je obiskala tudi nekaj pasjih razstav – med drugim je osvojila več kandidatur za državnega prvaka v lepoti (CAC), za mednarodnega prvaka (r.CACIB) ter odlično oceno s specialke ob svetovni razstavi v Zagrebu 2024.

Po drugi strani obožuje poležavanje in ima pri tem rada tudi svoj mir, zato za spanje rada izbere boks ali kakšen vogal, kjer ni v napoto. Sijajno se obnese na prireditvah, potovanjih, v hotelih in gostinskih lokalih. Povsod je lepo vodljiva, samozavestna in sproščena. Prijetna družba je tudi doma ali na obiskih. Za zanimivost poskrbi, da so spodnje perilo in nogavice vedno zloženi v omaro ali pospravljeni v koš za perilo, saj zanesljivo izsledi vsak nepravilno odložen kos in ga ponosno prinese vsem na ogled. Ima poseben čut za otroke in šibkejše, do katerih je umirjena in nežna. Lepo se razume s psi obeh spolov ter drugimi živalmi.

Čarna ima odlične zdravstvene izvide in prav tako njeni predniki. Prihaja iz starih angleških ter danskih delovno preverjenih linij (Rondix, Collyers, Tarncourt, Warresmere in Jiggers). Po večini so psi iz Čarninega rodovnika aktivno dočakali visoko starost (najstniška leta). V njenem rodovniku so številni psi, ki so bili nadvse uspešni v delu in na razstavah.

Čarnin oče Falcon (Jiggers Tarka Lovely Falcon) je bil uspešen v obojem. Zmagoval je tako na lovskih preizkušnjah in delovnih testih (na najvišji, open ravni), kot na razstavah ter v kombinaciji. Med predniki po njegovi strani je tudi pradedek, ki je bil dvojni šampion (t.j. prvak v delu in na razstavah) DK Ch DKBR Ch Waitformee. Čarnina mati Kvini (Rocket Fire Queen) pri 8 letih še vedno aktivno tekmuje na delovnih testih v razredu veteranov. V svoji karieri je dosegla več odmevnih zmag, drugih in tretjih mest ter drugih lepih uvrstitev tako doma kot v tujini. Je zelo zanesljiva, saj ji tudi v najtežjih pogojih praktično vedno uspe. Med predniki po njeni strani sta dvojna šampiona Trioaks Forever Zealous in Dark Devotion Overjoyed Obsession, zmagovalci lovskih preizkušenj (FTW), prejemniki delovnih nagrad (FTA), mednarodni (Int CH) in državni šampioni (CH).

Več o Čarni: https://ljubetjube.si/?page_id=61

COI legla je 1,7%.

This will be Čarna’s first litter. She is 4 years old, very bright, fast, lively and flexible dog, medium size, dark eyes, friendly expression and loving character. She has typical, balanced structure, with a pronounced sternum, long and deep chest, strong neck and durable feet. Her claws do not need to be trimmed as they wear down on their own. She has an excellent suspension and on walks she can casually look you eye to eye with jump and plant a kiss on your ear with invisible speed.

She is a motivated and ambitious dog. If it is necessary to work or play, she immediately turns into a responsive, bouncy and funny furry with mischievous sparkles in her eyes. She is very talented at work and is well aware of it. At work, she is fast, independent, courageous, with excellent search skills and soft mouth. She trains in the Slovenian Working Retriever Club and competes in working tests (WT), where she has already reached the podium once, winning third place in class E at WT for Golden Duck Trophy 2023 in Osp. Čarna also entered several dog shows – among others she won several candidacies for national champion title (CAC), for international title (r.CACIB) and an excellent at the Specialty in the scope of World Dog Show Zagreb 2024.

On the other hand, Čarna loves lying down and also likes her peace, so she likes to sleep in the bench or some corner where she is not in the way. She performs brilliantly at events, travels, in hotels and restaurants. She is well controlled, self-confident and relaxed everywhere. She is also pleasant company at home or on visits. To make it interesting, she makes sure that the underwear and socks are always folded in the closet or put away in the laundry basket, as she reliably tracks down every improperly placed item and proudly brings it for everyone to see. She has a special feeling for children and the weaker, towards whom she is calm and gentle. Gets along well with dogs of both sexes and other animals.

Čarna has excellent health records and so do her ancestors. She comes from the old English and Danish work-proven lines (Rondix, Collyers, Tarncourt, Warresmere and Jiggers). Most of the dogs from Čarna’s pedigree actively lived to old age (teenage years). In her pedigree there are many dogs that were very successful in work and at shows. Čarna’s father Falcon (Jiggers Tarka Lovely Falcon) was successful in both. He won both hunting tests and working tests (at the highest, open level), as well as shows and combination. Among the ancestors on his side is also his great-grandfather, dual champion (i.e. champion in work and at shows) DK Ch DKBR Ch Waitformee. Čarna’s mother Kvini (Rocket Fire Queen) at the age of 8 is still actively competing in working tests in the veteran class. In her career, she achieved several high-profile victories, second and third places, and other beautiful rankings both at home and abroad. She is very reliable and practically always successful, even in the most difficult conditions. Her ancestors include dual champions Trioaks Forever Zealous and Dark Devotion Overjoyed Obsession, Field Trial Winners (FTW), Field Trial Award Winners (FTA), International (Int CH) and National Champions (CH).

More about Čarna: https://ljubetjube.si/?page_id=61

Litter COI: 1,7%.