Z veseljem sporočamo, da sta Katja Poljšak in Samo Čop, prejela Srebrn znak za kinološke zasluge KZS. Priznanje je dokaz njunega večletnega truda, strokovnosti in izjemnega prispevka k razvoju prinašanja ter kinologije nasploh.
Iskreno čestitamo obema nagrajencema za ta dosežek in se jima zahvaljujemo za predanost, odgovorno vzrejo in seveda podporo vsem vodnikom LjubihTjub.
Our Breeders Receive the Silver Award for Cynological Merit
We are delighted to announce that Katja Poljšak and Samo Čop have been awarded the Silver Badge for Cynological Merit CAS. This recognition is a testament to their years of effort, expertise, and exceptional contribution to the development of retriever training and cynology as a whole.
We sincerely congratulate both recipients on this achievement and thank them for their dedication, responsible breeding, and unwavering support for all LjubeTjube dog handlers.